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lucid crossroads is changing


Downloads for the Crossroads and the Lucid Dojo



Free screen background downloads Just right click over the image you want to download and then select save target and save it onto your computer and use it as a background. All images are 1024 x 768 jpgs or more (less than 150kb), so if your desktop is smaller or bigger than this you'll have to resize them. All images are not to be used for any other purpose or resold stored on other websites without my permission.





Free A4 printout downloads Just right click over the image you want to download and then select save target and save it onto your computer. The images are setup to print on an A4 printer in landscape mode (size is less than 700kb), you can resample images for use on your desktop but all rights still apply if any images are altered. Again all images are not to be used for any other purpose or resold stored on other websites without my permission.





Making a focus image ~ One of the most common places to become lucid in is your home/place of work/study. With this in mind it would really help you to reach the Crossroads by using a focus image of your front door/room door open with the Crossroads behind it.

You don't need any fancy software to do this just an A4 colour printer and a photo of your chosen door when open. If you can try and match the angle I've taken this photo, as it will sit well with the Crossroads image. Download the Crossroads image (see below) to sit behind either your real photo, or your printout of your open door.

Now cut out the space that your door occupies when closed and printout the Crossroads image to a size that fits behind correctly. Place the Crossroads image behind the hole and you have one focus image to put on the wall.

Of course if your used to using photomanipulation software then you will use the stichy line select tool to mark out the open door hole, then select the Crossroads image and copy and paste into the open door image.


Click right for the image you need to print out for your focus image.



Mayan Dreamspell YELLOW Galactic STAR tshirt

Buy at the Crossroads store served by CafeExpress


Making a dream door focus image ~ If you want to experience a specific dream at the Crossroads when you lucid dream there you can increase you chances of getting exactly what you what buy making an image like the one on the left that shows three dream doors with differing dreams through the open doors.

Download the image on the right and select the openings with the magic wand tool of a photo package. Now just find an image of the dream you want (try google images) and paste/resize it into the selected hole.


You could use the print out and cut out method but it might be more difficult.


Crossroads screensavers great screen savers, click to download 1mb (PC only I think) Screen saver

2ndsaver (0.6mb)

Can I use the images on this site? Please email me if you wish to use any of the images on this page or the rest of the site on your own website or want to publish them as all images are copywrited. Sorry I haven't been answering my email for a while I only just realised the spam filter has been deleting them all. I've fixed it now though!


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